Saturday, August 11, 2012

     This was my first time ever blogging. Honestly it has taught me a lot about the Internet writing

world. I never knew how many people used the Internet to get there writing works out to the world.

At first, I wasn't too excited about this assignment. But after I checked out other peoples' blog sites, I 

changed my mind. I posted one post in the beginning of summer. After this, I realized it would be 

much more effective if I posted me blogs all at once. That way, people would have a chance to fully 

understand all of the fishing techniques I posted. For example, if someone saw my post about dolphin 

fishing but already knew how to dolphin fish and actually wanted to know how to marlin fish, they 

wouldn't have a chance to because it wasn't posted yet. 

     In the end, I had a lot of fun blogging. I thought it was going to be boring, which it was at first, but

it ended up being a lot of fun. I enjoyed teaching people about fishing. I want together as many

people involved in fishing as I can because I love it so much and I think other people would too of

they just gave it a chance or tried it out for themselves.

While blogging, I also learned a few things myself. Some of the blogs I posted were researched

because I wasn't an expert on the subject myself. Like for example, I did not have a lot of knowledge

on marlon fishing. I have only been marlin fishing a few times and both of those times I was with

people who knew what they were doing. I also learned from a few other blog posts I did. Overall I

think that the blog posts taught me a lot about writing to the public and writing in general.

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